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Friday 23 March 2012

Rooney apologizes to nine year old for breaking his wrist

                  Manchester United Striker Wayne Rooney has apologized to a nine year old boy after breaking his wrist. Jamie Thomas , a nine year old boy was at the Molineux Stadium watching the match. Rooney's way wide shot headed to Jamie , he tried to block it but the force of shot was too much for the boy and as a result Jamie's wrist was fractured. Wayne Rooney didn't know that he had broken his wrist.
                  Wayne Rooney last night apologized to Jamie and his parents. He wrote on twitter:  " I want to apologise to Jamie Thomas, I have arranged for a letter and a signed shirt to be sent to his home address #getwellsoon". Rooney and Hernandez were taking some shots before the match in the warm up , Rooney missed one shoot and ball straight traveled to Jamie Thomas .   

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